Friday, April 6, 2012

Eating Healthy and Losing Weight with a Buddy

It's spring, and the winter fluff (even though we didn't have much of a winter) is bugging me.  I haven't gained a whole lot (in fact, I've lost 10 of the 13 pounds that I gained after my surgery), but those three extra plus about five more sure would feel much better if they were off and weren't making my pants scream for mercy.  OK, it's not that bad.

But, I would like to keep the muscle mass I developed from physical therapy the last few months (awesome pecs, anyone??) and also like to firm up a few other areas, and not to mention, eat MUCH healthier than what I have for the last few.  It's so hard to get out of the routine of eating junk vs. the good stuff.  Wednesday, I made my mind up to refuse unhealthy carbs again for a while to see if I could break the habit.

I have a photo shoot coming up next week too...and who wants to have to suck in a bloated tummy?  It's an outdoor shoot at a car show too, so there will be a lot more onlookers than what there was before. Hyacinth Bouquet...I must keep up appearances. 

Melissa and I are usually such bad influences on each other when it comes to food...we both love most of the same things...especially sweets.  We will eat just about any of them.  And we contribute to the other's delinquency with chocolate bunnies and cookies and Sonic and whatever else sounds good on the spur of the moment.  So, we are both going to turn that little hobby around to the way extreme other side, and encourage healthy eating.  And we decided to blog about it.  That can hold us accountable too. 

Here's what has been going on since Wednesday:

Weight:  155
Measurements:  pending.  ha.  haven't done that yet. 

I bought fresh fruit to replace the chocolate, and so far, so good.  I've been eating granny smith apples, strawberries, and bananas.

My favorite breakfast has been peanut butter and jelly for a long time.  I swapped the jelly for a half of fresh sliced banana on one slice of Ezekial 4:9 sprouted bread and two tablespoons of peanut butter.  I have to have coffee, but I swapped regular creamer for the skinny caramel macchiato  from International Delight. 

Lunch has been salad, light string cheese, hummus, melba toast, and some fruit.  Bland, but it fills me up.  I'm looking for better options for this meal.  I found two sites that I love, though, Skinny Taste and Dashing Dish.
I haven't had one BAD recipe on Skinny Taste.  It is a must try if you haven't yet.  My favorite is her Stuffed Pepper Soup.  I just found Dashing Dish, so I'll keep you posted.  But I love that she puts "dashing devotionals" in with her posts. 

I really, really wanted some chocolate yesterday, so I sent an email to Mel to tell her, and she said, "Don't do it!!"  So, I didn't.  We did have a Sonic diet drink though.  It got rid of the craving.  (I know, diet drinks are bad for you, but I have to keep one vice so I don't cave.)

My calorie counts have stayed around 1300-1500.  We are tracking everything we eat on Spark People.  It's free.  Easy.  And lots of information and recipes to try.  We also downloaded the app Nike Training Club.  It's supposed to be awesome, so I'm going to try it.  I won't be released to run again until May, but I have a new dog to walk, and we do that every day.  Awesome! 

I think I will buy myself a new dress for summer when I reach my goal.  Wanna join us?  Leave a comment here or post about it and leave a link! 


  1. I want to lose about 8 pounds as well and eat healthier... I'm glad you're posting about your journey... it will be nice to feel like I have people that are suffering along with me!! LOL

  2. Hey Trina! Me too! Maybe we could make things entertaining by doing some lunch swaps! Like I make your lunch and you make mine...we stick to a certain amount of calories or fat, etc, and our goal is to see who can make the other the coolest lunch!

    I don't know, could be fun and silly...and just keep it from getting too boring. It would also force us to bring a lunch to school!
