Friday, September 6, 2013

Packing tape transfers with Neiman-Marcus and some tips

Neiman-Marcus catalogs from way back when are kind of hard to find.  I've been looking for one for quite some time, and happened upon a 1967 copy at an estate not too long ago.  I have to show you the gift that year, but for now I'll share how I *gasp* cut it up and used some of the images for packing tape transfers for my journals.

The lovely Natalie has a neat tutorial on how to make your own (isn't her new blog so cute?).  I used the same supplies.  I've used the transfers in my journal and in my 30 Lists pages.  Here are some of them. Read on for my tips below the pictures!

Some tips:
1.  If you rub too hard to remove the paper after it has been soaking, the tape will tear.  The heavier the tape, the better.  I tore a head and a head off before I lightened up a little.
2.  I had some larger images in the catalog that I wanted to use and decided to put two pieces of tape side by side.  The pieces came apart and I had a split image.  That didn't work so well.
3.  So, for the bigger images, order this packing tape instead.  Man, I wish I had known they made it four inches wide!
4.  I used a flat baking dish to soak my transfers.  It worked well for making sure they were all covered.
5.  For the record, old paper works just fine.  I had no trouble getting an image transfer and the results are fabulous!

I'm glad to be back here.  Since school started and I'm also teaching college classes now, I've been wondering which end is up. I'm posting from my phone at our football game!  I have some neat journal pages and ideas to share, and I predict some updates are on their way too.  See you soon!

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