Saturday, February 18, 2012

Saturday Sprinkles: DIY Craft Room Sneak!

So, we missed Sprinkles again this weekend! What's up with us?? Gah.

It's cold and wet and just plain yucky outside, so we did our thrifting on Wednesday instead of Saturday. Well, if you count how many van loads it took to get it all home, it was Wednesday and Friday, twice. Haha! But, the find was good! We bought an entire 1960s French Provincial bedroom set....nine pieces! It has the desk with hutch and corner desk and two end pieces with drawers, plus a twin bed frame and a night stand. Yay! I'm so excited about this because I have wanted something to put in the corner of the playroom and put my sewing, computer, and craft stuff in. It's pretty ugly right now, but after I get hold of it tomorrow (when the rain is gone) it will be so cute. It is white with gold, just like you imagine, but it will be....RED! I can't wait.  To hold you over, I have found a wealth of information on this blog, The French Provincial Furniture.  Great advice on how to make it look professional.  I'm happy about that. 

Here are some pictures of it. I'll give you the entire process in a post probably next week sometime, and then a finished look into my heaven in my house! Did you find something swell this weekend? I'm linking up with all the girls you see on the right in my sidebar. Come join us!