Thursday, March 29, 2012

Six is Sweet: Katie's Birthday (photo heavy!)


I can't believe my little Pinks is almost six years old.  Six years seems like forever ago, but when I look back at all the fun we've had, it seems like just yesterday we were searching for "dadoos"--that would be her pacifiers--and playing Kate Kong---she loved to knock over the block buildings her Daddy built.  Now that pretty little blonde-headed girl is finishing up Kindergarten and headed into summer with a bicycle without training wheels and summer fashion she has picked out herself.  We are attached at the hip---she and I---and that's ok.  She's a crafter too, and she loves to try everything Momma does, and sometimes she inspires the plans for the next little adventure.  She'll spend hours at estate sales and hardly ever asks if we are done yet...she finds treasures and hauls them home with ours.  She's an animal lover and she comes by that honest.  She's also sassy and she comes by that honest, too.  :)  She will read a million books--whether we read them to her or she reads them "with her eyes."  She begs her Daddy to make the silly voices of the characters.  Her brothers are the stars of her show, and they would swear she's the one with the magic wand.  She'll get dirty, but then scream like a girl; and she changes her clothes ten times on the weekends and smears on red lipstick and green eye shadow just like the makeup tutorials she watches on YouTube (I think sometimes she does a better job at makeup than I do).  She can make a dress for her Polly Pocket out of toilet paper, and she giggles out loud when we dress the cats like dolls too.  She can name every one of her hundreds of stuffed animals, and if one is misplaced, it's a full on search party until they are safe at home.  She can use an iPhone better than most of us, and she likes to watch Stephen Colbert (not that she understands it, but, maybe she does) and American Idol.  She dances, and sings, and squeals, and laughs, and she's my joy, my princess, my angel, my daughter.  I love her...  Happy Birthday, Pinkins!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. So sweet! She is just precious!!! defiantly your angel!

  3. Oh these are adorable!!!! What a sweet post... your daughter is so dang cute :)
