Wednesday, January 15, 2014

On Finding Lost Family and Writing Letters

(photo from weheartit)

My family is going through some tough times right now.  My dad is really sick and will probably be leaving us in a day or two.  It's sad and we are coping and we have each other and time is good with my sisters and brothers.  We lost touch some years ago, but have lately been close and have a relationship again, which is beautiful and wonderful and so many things I can't explain.  I love them dearly and they will always be a treasure.

It's so sad how we lose connections and lose touch with people we love and people we used to spend so much time with.  I know all kinds of things can shut down a friendship or relationship and some aren't pretty and they sure do linger for much longer than they should.  And a lot of times it's not even something you did, but something that was passed down over the generations.  A lot of those things don't even matter anymore; why carry that junk in your backpack?  It's too heavy.  And it doesn't make a bit of difference in the grand scheme of things that could be today.

I still have many friends and family members that I would love to see again.  I've decided that it's time to find them and see what happens; you never know.  A letter can break ice just as well as a friend request; probably even better.

We've all got connections through the saturated social media sites, but I think most of us would agree that it's still fun and very heart-warming to get a letter in the mail from a friend, a family member, or even an assigned pen pal from a writing challenge.  Lately, I've found some really neat ladies of letter writing on Instagram, like @paperedthoughts and @bisforbrookemail , and I'm inspired to encourage and challenge you (and myself) to write more and balance snail mail with online socialization...maybe even tip that see-saw the other way. So I'm giving my Hello, Dear, series a new life and a new purpose

I'm going to list one challenge each Wednesday for writing letters on the blog, and post my own letter/happy mail on Instagram. I want to share pretty vintage papers and ideas to light up the face of someone somewhere.

Alright.  Are you ready?  The first challenge is to write to a family member you haven't seen in a while.  Feel free to change that to a friend if you wish.  Then include something personal with the envelope.  It could be a picture you have of the two of you or of something you experienced together, some kind of ephemera you have saved from an event you attended together, just something that is meaningful to the both of you.  Get the idea?

I'd love to see your letters before they are sent on their way...tag me on Instagram or Twitter @feedthebirdies.  Who are you writing to this time around?  What neat paper are you writing on? And what will you send with your letter?  I think all kinds of cool things are about to happen.

P.S.  Want to write to me?  I'll write back.  Contact me at .

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