Tuesday, March 30, 2010

4 (WARNING: heavy posting ahead!

...years old.  That's my little one.  But she won't be little that much longer.  Four years ago today I went in for an amnio to see how well she was growing along in my tummy.  I had been put on bed rest...this was about the 8th trip to the hospital for me because I was having contractions too early.  I wasn't a good bed rest patient either....I made my mom push me in wheelchairs at Target and we went to get pedicures.  She was still working full time, but she drove up every Thursday afternoon and stayed with me until Sunday.  She cooked, cleaned my bedroom for me, washed millions of loads of laundry, made sure I wasn't standing on the bed cleaning ceiling fans (that's what nesting ladies do, you know...especially ones that don't want to be on bed rest), and took care of all the errands that needed to be run those days.  She would drive back, go to work, and come back the next Thursday.  For about six weeks. 
Thank you, momma. 

Anyway, back to the story.  We had finished the amnio, and I went straight into labor (really, really bad labor if you ask me...and I'm the one that counted as far as opinions were concerned) after that.  We waited for a few hours...William watched TV (kept asking when we could go home)...I watched the monitors...and the test results came back well....little miss was just fine.  So, we moved right along, and since the contractions were still steady, they let labor progress...and FINALLY we got to tell our families this was the REAL thing.  They all knew the nurses by name (one we didn't care to know...haha!) and they all knew their way around the hospital; where the coffee was; where to take the boys to play; how many bathrooms were on that floor and where the cleanest ones were; where nearby shopping would keep them occupied while they waited. 

I thought for sure this was going to be a "next day" delivery.  So I told mom and dad to take the boys home, and they could come back in the morning.  Well, as soon as they left, William called and told them to turn around.  Little Miss was on her way...quickly! So they turned around and they all came back.  At 11:43 pm, she was here!  (Rumor has it that there were bets on the date and time....several of them). 

The boys came in first and got to see their little sister, and then went out to announce to the waiting ones..."She's so cute!" in squeaky little boy voices.  (I was so glad they weren't at home in bed when she got here, even though I insisted they needed their sleep.)

So, little one, today you are 4.  Tap shoes on backwards and all.  Writing your name.  A whole family that loves you like crazy.  God knew I needed you! 
Love, Mommy
(Thank you, Sissy, for the beautiful chalk drawing on the driveway for her special day!)

DISCLAIMER: I am sure there are far more stories of this little one that could be
read right along with this one!

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