Monday, April 4, 2011

Here I go again...

Remember how I told you here that I don't diet?  And this is why.  Yesterday I had an email from the Abs Diet Online to try their plan for 30 days free.  I love their exercise video; I truly do.  Sure.  I have a few more to lose.  So I did it.  I signed up.  Just yesterday.  I had to quit logging calories at lunch.  Today, I ate more than I ate all last week.  I really did.  And my poor tummy is feeling it. Like this toad. 
 Ugh.  Tomorrow I will be donning my best pair of t-shirt knit elastic waist pants.  Does anybody have a plan for bloat?  Oh, wait.  Don't sign me up.  I'll mess that up too. Diet is an ugly word. Yes.  Tomorrow I won't diet.  I'll just eat what I want to when I'm hungry (in moderation).  And I will be well again.  Am I the only one?
Really, this was just a post to remind myself.  
Don't mind the whining.


1 comment:

  1. One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating. lol
